Thursday, August 18, 2011

Aza Aza Fighting!!!

Oh dear...I've halfway reading my Chapter 3 of Principles of Chemical Processes and making notes...And I'm left with about 4-6 pages to finish the whole chapter...And after that, I'll have to continue to Chapter 4..And if can, hopefully manage to finish at least half of the chapter by today. Initially my mission was to study for LSM 2101 as well, but hell yeah, my progress seemed to be quite slow. Perhaps it's because I'm waiting for my laundry this morning and I'm late to start my study...I just started my studies at 11.30am. Then, hell have to meet my friend just to return $200 out of $800. Still need to pay him another $600. And hell yeah, I still owe others, A LOT, HELL A LOT! What the shit! Blame myself for being blinded by MLM stuff. STUPID RIGHT?? DAMN DAMN STUPID!

Okay, just that I've a sudden urge to blog that's why I'm blogging halfway through my studies. And oh gosh, my lappie is so lag and kept shutting off for no reason!WHAT THE HELL?!!!! Anyway, it's good too lar...At least I can't facebook when I'm at home. LOL~ That's why I make myself to go to school and stay back in the library to study! This way, I won't facebook much. ;-)

So, Sherlyn! Aza Aza Fighting! Must work very very hard this semester!!!:) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. salamz................
    i'd lyk 2 knw whthr u r a REAL fairy o not? coz u r a beauty alright...!
