Was studying and checking my emails to de-stress awhile...And came across this email (after heard about the flash stuff from a few friends...) Guess what? Read this!
"Greetings Residents,
Recently, there were several cases of indecent exposure reported within our premises in Prince George’s Park Residences. The culprit would approach the victims or call out to them to attract their attention and expose his private part. Our Security Officers together with the Police and Campus Security have since stepped up patrols within our premises.
2. The culprit’s description is as follows:-
- Believed to be Male Chinese in his late teens or early 20’s;
- Either fair or tanned complexion with short black hair;
- Big build and about 1.7m tall;
- Wearing dark T-shirt with bermudas or shorts. In all the incidents reported, he would pull up the collar of his t-shirt to cover part of his face to avoid identification.
3. You can avoid being the next victim by adopting the following preventive measures:
a) Do not walk alone and move around in a group, where possible;
b) Never take short cuts through dark, secluded or deserted places;
c) Always be alert and attentive to your surroundings;
d) If you are being confronted, remain calm and quickly move to a crowded area or call the Fire Command Centre (FCC) of Campus Security for assistance.
4. If you see any suspicious persons following you or loitering in the vicinity, remain calm and take note of the description of the person, e.g. his appearance, clothing, height and other physical details. You should also note the direction where the culprit fled towards and his mode of escape.
5. We advise all residents to be alert and report to FCC at 6601 2222 or Campus Security at 6874-1616, if you spot any suspicious character loitering in the vicinity. Should you have any information that might assist us in the investigation, please contact me via DID: 6516 5548 or email me at azharie@nus.edu.sg. Your information will be treated with the strictest confidential. "
Omg. I wonder why it would happen in my hostel area?? Ughh...means no more walking alone around PGP at late LATE nights...No more using the KE SHOrtcuts...Anyway, nowadays I'm very guai...I seldom go out...Or use the shortcuts...So, I'm safe lo^^ But I wondered, if is it a student studied till the brain gone hay-wired? I remembered just last month there was a case about a MOE scholar who flashed to a student in FASS at NUS...I wondered if it was the same person?? Or...Hmm....But whatever it is...It is damn scary...!! I think I'd SCREAM my lungs out if I'm the VICTIM...But if I screamed,...later that culprit kill me...Oh shooot...~~
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