Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm Tired, but have to Go On ...

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp Siiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhh....=(

I had hardly get a rest. Not even when I got the time to get enough sleep, the next CA is coming again. Well, I really wanted to sleep so much. I had so many sleep debts. =(

Tomorrow supposed to be my free days. But have to give in to project meetings and lab reports. Argh...Seriously, I know I learned a lot from this ES 2007S modules. Learned on how to actually persuade people in our speech (though I kinda know how, but I don't know if I could ever overcome my shyness in talking in public. It's like something which I've never ever been able to accomplish, no matter how I practiced for times in front of the mirror. It's like I seemed to talk well to the mirror, but then, when it comes to the real speech-delivery to the class, I stumbled a lot and got so nervous.)

I don't know why am I so nervous in front of people~! I mean shy, not nervous. OKlar, it's both. To be honest. Arghhh...

Presentation slides haven't done. And tomorrow going to have meeting again. Lab reports haven't really done, cause I wanted to read up about the chapter first before I start writing. Cause I seriously have no idea what is CE, CZE is about! Garrr....

So, now I'm trying really hard to keep my eyes OPEN BIG BIG to read up the things about CE and CZE. And I'm trying to study by creating slides (sounds like I'm doing my own "lecture notes" ) ....

Hmm...Okay, shall stop right now...JIA YOU SHERLYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROAR~~~~

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