Monday, November 7, 2011

The Fact about University

I'm not sure if this applies only in NUS, but I had a talk with my friend a while ago about the fact being in NUS.

And this is what he told me which I find it quite true, "In the university, it's a fact of life. People are selfish. You can't expect them to share things they know to you. Everyone here wants to get A. Plus, your cohort is very small, so, in order to get an A, you have to pull someone down."

Now I think, why university has to be like that? No wonder most of my coursemates are so reluctant to teach what they know despite their high CAP. Are we forever fighting and hence, this is why true friends can't be found in my own course?

Seriously, when I realized what he said about the ugly truths about university, I really think that I will hate my university life. It's really different from our secondary schools or even our high school levels. People in Hua Lian(high school), despite knowing them for less than 1 month, they are willing to share what they know and we learned together. I don't know why in the university, it's not like that at all.


  1. Like that one la, especially in Singapore when the kiasu-ism level is so high... Anyway, it's best to approach poly people if u really need help. They are more willing to help (from my exp) compared to JC people.

  2. Don't lump everyone together. There's always gonna be people willing to share notes or help you out, you just need to find them. I always make it a point to share my cheat sheet and notes with anyone who asks for it. Of course i don't go around offering them, but if you ask, i'll lend. There's more to life than CAP and grades. This is your last shot at freedom from responsibilities, take it.

    P.S. I'm a life science major, you can contact me if you need my notes. =)
