Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hate those stupid last minute projects. Done parts of it but WTH...Still need editing on certain stuffs. ERGH!!!! I'm going crazy!!!

And LSM CA2 is just around the corner! 4days more left!!ARGH!!!! SAVE ME, SOMEONE...
How am I going to study with the endless projects and assignments??? >.<

Damn. I STILL HAVENT STUDY. and I felt that my brain is empty! =(
Everyone started ( I doubt it when some said that they havent ) ...Ergh...PLUS, I'm a slow learner...It's not that everything I read, i will understand right away! I need time to digest, time to wonder...Ergh...>.<

Am I emo-ing now? YES! Because of these damn reports and projects, I can't study! This made my life super miserable. At least I finished my LSM lab report. FST project in the midway...Hope no more edition need to be done...ROAR!!!!

Anyway, chaoz. Going for lecture now!


  1. Lol. Last minute projects. Don't remind me. :/ .. well, uni is like that to everyone I guess. :P

  2. Sigh...I hate it, Lawrence...It's not that I did it on last minutes..But sometimes my team mates are..=(
