Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lecture - 12 Myoglobin and Hemoglobin
Hope this is enough:)
you really have feelings for someone
or you are just carried away by
the good things that he does
Which is why you cannot say if
you are just returning the l o v e
or returning the f a v o r.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hm...I'm tired of reading right now. I shall attempt my Chem report right now so that I don't have to chiong like crazy after CA 2 because both Chem lab report and FST lab report is due next Thursday. So, hm...I shall start working on my Chem report. Oh gosh. I felt so hot now! Roar!
Gar...Sigh...Chem report havent started. Will I able to finish reading? Tomorrow I'm going out again. Sigh. Deep sigh. Argh...Okay, I should calm myself now. Now, I shall continue Swami's Lecture 1 and then start on Deng's LEcture 3!!! Please don't fall asleep again!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tonight's Aim
Copied a friend's notes the other day. Wow her notes has lotsa extra stuff. So, I copied and perhaps get to know some stuffs clearer...Hmm...But tonight has to go and study:
1) Swami's Lecture 2
2) Swami's Lecture 1
And try to understand the extras that I copied from her. Sigh. I don't know why I always copy things blindly. I felt that I'm weak at multi-task, as if understanding while copying, listening to songs when I'm studying. And what the heck. I'm so addicted to Facebook. Garr...Can someone stop me?!!By the way, I'm super amazed that some people really can multi task..i wish i can.
Though a lil sleepy...I...must...stay....awake and finish these two notes....
Or at least, 65% of it...
Jia you Sher lyn!
Hm...I wish....
Grace was a good make up artist.! Hm...lemme show you some of my pictures taken using my lappie after the make ups...:)
By the way, I find that his mask was funny today! Hm...Cant believe that he will choose that type of mask. Unexpectedly.=)
Why A Broken Heart Really Does Hurt
An interesting article to finish up science week on the nook. This one really won't need too much of an introduction as the title says it all—a broken heart really does physically hurt. Here is the full excerpt from the above-linked layman's version of the scientific paper:
Scientists have identified a genetic link between physical pain and social rejection, a finding that explains the common theory that being spurned or breaking up with a lover really "hurts". In a landmark research, psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that the human body has a gene which connects physical pain sensitivity with social pain sensitivity.
The research, published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, backs the commonly held theory that rejection "hurts" by showing that a gene regulating the body''s most potent painkillers—mu-opioids—is involved in socially painful experiences too. "Individuals with the rare form of the pain gene, who were shown in previous work to be more sensitive to physical pain, also reported higher levels of rejection sensitivity and showed greater activity in social pain-related regions of the brain when they were excluded," said Prof Naomi Eisenberger, the study co-author.
The study indicates that a variation in the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1), often associated with physical pain, is related to how much social pain a person feels in response to social rejection, the Daily Telegraph reported. "These findings suggest that the feeling of being given the cold shoulder by a romantic interest or not being picked for a schoolyard game of basketball may arise from the same circuits," said co-author Baldwin Way.
According to Prof Eisenberger, this overlap in the neurobiology of physical and social pain makes perfect sense.
When news like this comes out, I usually like to dig up the original scientific paper so I can study it more thoroughly. If one thing ever holds true, it is that the media does a terrible job of representing scientific findings in a large percentage of their published stories. On top of that, the media never make it easy to find the original article from which they cite their information—they instead leave puzzle pieces for you to fit together. Maybe I ask too much. Either way, after some searching, I found the original, which can be downloaded here. The paper's abstract delves a little deeper into the mechanisms connecting emotional and physical pain associated with a broken heart:
Scientific understanding of social pain—the hurt feelings resulting from social rejection, separation, or loss—has been facilitated by the hypothesis that such feelings arise, in part, from some of the same neural and neurochemical systems that generate the unpleasant feelings resulting from physical pain. Accordingly, in animals, the painkiller morphine not only alleviates the distress of physical pain, but also the distress of social separation. Because morphine acts on the μ-opioid receptor, we examined whether variation in the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1), as measured by the functional A118G polymorphism, was associated with individual differences in rejection sensitivity. Participants (n = 122) completed a self-report inventory of dispositional sensitivity to social rejection and a subsample (n = 31) completed a functional MRI session in which they were rejected from an online ball-tossing game played with two supposed others. The A118G polymorphism was associated with dispositional sensitivity to rejection in the entire sample and in the fMRI subsample. Consistent with these results, G allele carriers showed greater reactivity to social rejection in neural regions previously shown to be involved in processing social pain as well as the unpleasantness of physical pain, particularly the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and anterior insula. Furthermore, dACC activity mediated the relationship between the A118G polymorphism and dispositional sensitivity to rejection, suggesting that this is a critical site for μ-opioid-related influence on social pain. Taken together, these data suggest that the A118G polymorphism specifically, and the μ-opioid receptor more generally, are involved in social pain in addition to physical pain.
In order to practise what I preach, here is the citation:
Way, Baldwin M., Shelley E. Taylor, and Naomi I. Eisenberger. "Variation in the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) is associated with dispositional and neural sensitivity to social rejection." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (August 2009).
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Crying in Silent
I saw my results today.
I felt like stabbing myself right now!
I failed.
I wanted to cry.
But I can't.
He's there. Many people are there.
How can I cry in front of public?
Especially in front of him.
Gosh. Stupid tears. I am in the public now. Stop welling up my eyes!!
I still think I'm the most stupid person in NUS.
God, please give me strength to move on.
This is the first time I failed in my whole life.
Hold your tears, Sher lyn...
Learn to accept these failures...
I've failed to prove others that I can do it.
I've failed to make my parents happy.
I've failed my 2 tests!!!
Tell me, will I be able to have the strength to continue?
Will I be able to succeed?
Do I still have time?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Anyway, have to start studying LSM 1101 readings! After finished reading, if got extra time, I will go through the cool notes that I found just now.:)
Hate those stupid last minute projects. Done parts of it but WTH...Still need editing on certain stuffs. ERGH!!!! I'm going crazy!!!
And LSM CA2 is just around the corner! 4days more left!!ARGH!!!! SAVE ME, SOMEONE...
How am I going to study with the endless projects and assignments??? >.<
Damn. I STILL HAVENT STUDY. and I felt that my brain is empty! =(
Everyone started ( I doubt it when some said that they havent ) ...Ergh...PLUS, I'm a slow learner...It's not that everything I read, i will understand right away! I need time to digest, time to wonder...Ergh...>.<
Am I emo-ing now? YES! Because of these damn reports and projects, I can't study! This made my life super miserable. At least I finished my LSM lab report. FST project in the midway...Hope no more edition need to be done...ROAR!!!!
Anyway, chaoz. Going for lecture now!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Kind of lazy to write my feelings out. But I guess these images will be self-explanatory in what I'm feeling right now...Miss you gurls...Love ya!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
He Says Goodbye to me
Credits to PaM, Su Chin, and Jin Min! You gurls rocks! The cake is super DELICIOUS!!
Hm...after the eating session, we played Truth or Dare.
When the bottle pointed at me, I chose Dare since I couldnt choose TRUTH! (they will ask me about him)
I think Jonathan n Sean knew that I like him. So, sigh...Jonathan sabo me, gave me his number and ask me to phone him and said " I will never pee on my bed again"....That sentence comes from Xu Xu...:(((((
Argh...Gosh! it's kinda embarrasing! IUrgh...felt like running away. Anyway, after this much of embarassment, surprisingly, he did talk to me just now. I thought that he will avoid me or what so ever.!
He even say goodbye to me when I was alone at the lift. Anyway, I'm deciding to stop that feeling though. Enough of bringing more embarassment towards myself. I don't deserve a good guy like him. I think other girls should be better on him than a girl who is crazy, stupid, and not smart like ME! I don't think I deserve to have him.
So, sherlyn. Stop that feeling. :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Midterm results
I don't understand. How come some people can study whole day without feeling tired or without sleep? Why? And why I always fell asleep when I study? Even though im studying on a table. I must be the most silliest person in the world. I can't accept failure now. I've tried my best, but still I failed. I'm very unhappy!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The first guy -Sean Yeap. I had a crush on him on the 1st week of MSL. Well, he's a lil muscular, slightly tanned, broad shoulder, good at sports, quite tall, and CUTE! I liked him. But rumors saying that he likes another girl named Jane. Well, it seems that Jane was very POPULAR among the GUYS! I don't think she's that pretty at all! (No, I'm not jealous. I think Rachel's prettier)
Well, maybe guys see girls differently than girls do. So, I kinda gave up on him after knowing about his crush. But I saw him at MSD Mid Autumn Fest, anyway, I tried not to look at him though I'm feeling a little happy inside.
The second guy- Zhi Kai. Well, so far, no much feelings for him except that I think he's cute. Sorry to disappoint you, Pam! But good news is, he did caught my attention! HAha...Hm...Well, generally what do I think about him? He's a gentleman, apologetic, kind, quiet, well-behaved, and he has his cuteness in his own way. A very typical type of him. He has his own unique personality. He have yet to make my heart beat, but I did felt a little happy when I saw him. Wait, that's not crush right?!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I Realised I Don't Know How to Love Someone
I don't think I'll be that affectionate enough with a guy. Well, I'm not sure. Maybe I haven't really liked someone till I wanna show the whole world that he's my guy.
Though I'm in uni now, I still think that I'm not fated to love by a guy or to love a guy. I'm not a lesbian (though I always like to look at pretty girls. But hey, it's because I'm envied of their beauty. If only I'm cute and pretty, I wouldn't need to look at others and envy bout it) but I'm not sure if is it the past which affected me a lot till I'm afraid of love.
Perhaps, watching movies and dramas and experiences from some friends actually made me phobic towards love. I'm afraid to like someone. If I liked someone, I'll make sure that it's just temporary.
And there's one thing. I think I will think of my friends more importantly than my boyfriend. I remember there were once, this guy asked me out. Well, I like (LIKE ONLY) him before. So, surprisingly I rejected him for my besties. Hm...
Let's just put a full stop to this first. I was thinking if I have a boyfriend, will I dare to show PDA (Public Display Affection) in the public? Will I always wanted to hug a guy? I guess I'll come to a state when I'll get bored of doing all these lovey-dovey stuff. I'm so afraid that I'll get bored to someone so easily.
Anyway, I'll see when the time comes. Right now, study comes first. No, it's my future. Just that I've never put love as a priority. In my definition,love is just a necessity. That's it.
Monday, October 11, 2010
My Coursemates:)
Some of you who know me might have realised that I've mix with "them" lesser nowadays. Well, I have my own reason for that. Anyway, less being around with them doesn't mean I don't friend them. It's just that I think it's best for me to stay a certain gap from them. Well, this is not primary or kindergarden anyway, and I'm an adult now. No point behaving like a child. (though I'm childish at times. Haha.)
Okie. Lemme tell you bout some of good coursemates:)
1. PAMELIA CHIA- She's a good friend. Nice to be with. Sometimes kinda blur. But she's pretty! Lol. Enthusiasm is also high at times. We mug together before our LSM exam. It's a great time having an outing with her as well! Hm...But I've never been shopping with her or going for a movie before ler!!:(
2. LIM JIN MIN- She's a cute girl. Small size. Very caring and passionate about cute stuff. Yeah. We mug together too together with PAM. LOL! Sometimes I'm quite worried bout her when she went back home alone at night. Hm...(sometimes Spore not that safe, I realised! after listened to Jin Min n Pam's experiences. Anyway, Im keeping everything safe and sound.)
3. SONIA- She's the one who first called me when I thought of death the other day. I almost gave up because I'm overly stressed by the CGPA of the scholarship. She was so concerned about me and tell me what to do. Then, she accompany me the next day for dinner and I was touched. I've never had someone do this to me before. And yeah, she can be really CRAZY and HIGH like me when KARAOKE! AWESOME!:)
4. SHING YEE- Smart girl. She always helped me in the explanation in the things I don't know. There was once we studied together on the exam day for LSM, I needed "ladies' tissue" urgently. And she helped me go to the Central Forum to buy for me.:(
It's not a sad face. This sad smilie is because I felt bad that I've troubled her but she told me it's okay. That thing is more important. :(
I'm really touched. :(((
5. ZHI KAI- LOL. I don't know why I will write him at here. But I just wanna say that, hm...HE'S ACTUALLY NOT REALLY THE COLD TYPE GUY THAT I USED TO THINK HE IS ONE. I realised that he can be a warm guy as well. A good guy. Hm...But seriously, I think he's quite funny. Especially his email address. I find it cute and funny. Each time I saw him, I remembered his email address. Aww! So cute!!!
6. GRACE- Barbie doll girl! I realised she has a doll look! pretty. I told her that, and she told me that I looked like a China doll as well. LOLOL!!! Hm...I just know a lil bout her lately. So, couldn't really write much at here. But I hope to get to know more about the others:)
Thanks a lot, girls. You all always made my day when I'm down!:)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
This is a true story
This is a real story told by my friend.
It was about her JC friend. As you know, Singapore is a very stressful country as everyone is competing with one another. But there is one thing which touched my heart—which is friendship.
Okay. It goes like this. I’m trying hard to remember as much as I can what she told me. My friend was studying IB in her junior college. And it was announced that the year 1 students should write a 4000 words? project during the 1st year so that the 2nd year they can actually more focus on the real studies. So, her friend, (let’s call her A) has no mechanism which remind her about deadline. And when it comes to her 2nd year d, A became very stressful.
Then, there was once the teacher said that there was a student kept locking herself in her room, never come out before. So, A’s best friend, B is very concern about A. So, my friend and B plans to visit A. My friend called A’s house and ask A’s dad if they can come over to visit A. When A’s father was answering halfway, to my friend’s surprise, A snatched the phone from her father and hung up (My friend’s assumption as she thinks it must be weird). And it’s that A will never even come out from the room AT ALL. Even her meals, her parents will just put on the floor outside her room door. And she will just open and take it when she’s hungry.
Then, my friend told B the next day what actually happened. They later decided to go to A’s house straightaway after school. That day was during rainstorm. And from the look of A’s house, it was kinda eerie. Because the lights are all off. It was just darkness around. ( Scary, huh? What will you do if you’re A and my friend?) Okay. Then, my friend and B asked A’s father if they can visit A. The father replied in a cold and eerie way ,” She’s in the room.” And there was only darkness in the house!
Then, my friend and B kept calling A from outside the room. And all of sudden, A screamed (not shout). My friend was like “Wow! I first time heard someone screamed.” My friend was kinda crazy type. Lol. Then, A’s father suddenly shouted from upstairs to force A to come out of the room because it was like no respect if we ignore someone who visits us. So, A’s father said “ You better come out of the room or I’ll use the key to open your room.”
Then, she opened her door finally. Her worried friend,B, hold A’s arm and said “Becky, what happened? Tell me. I’m your best friend.” Suddenly, A pushed B till she fell down the staircase. (According to my friend, luckily B was a strong girl). A said that “Go away! I don’t have a friend!” My friend then got the shock of her life. She actually quite afraid that time. But there are stories behind this. B was actually also a patient who actually recovered from IMH (Institute of Mental Hospital). My friend actually was kinda afraid that B’s past condition will relapse just like A.
Gosh. I find this really really scary. Hm…
Saturday, October 2, 2010
But after I get out from the bus, she told a good friend of mine. I think she don't know my friend told me what she told her. She told her that I don't deserve the Sunrise scholarship because her CGPA is higher than mine. She told me that she could have get it instead of me getting it. I was doomed. I thought of her as a friend even though I know she don't want to help me in studies and so on...But when this words came out from her mouth, my heart felt so insulted. I know, I'm not smart like her. I am not clever. My IQ is low. But, how can she say things like this?
She was indirectly saying that stupid people shouldn't get scholarship! My friend saw that I nearly break down, but she told me not to be sad. Just try my best in my studies. I really never thought someone I thought as a friend will treat me like this. I really don't know. I told mummy about it and mum told me not to mix with this kind of people too much. But ...I really hope that there is other smart people in my class other than her so that I don't have to rely on her...:(