Not sure if am I really dumb or what...
Paid 60% of the hostel vacation stay fee when I actually stayed almost the same amount of time with my roommate, but yet, I had to do most of the work..
Is not that I wanted to complain bout things, but shouldn't she at least tidy up her place?
I thought I was already an untidy person, but to be honest, I think she's a lil too much than me?
Well, most of the time, I was the one sweeping the floor. And she never actually sweep the floor. Okay, once, but it's only the area where her study table is. Okay, this one I don't complain.
Secondly, because of her dusty room and I really couldn't stand of the dust because of my allergies, I helped her changed and washed the bed sheet. Hey, it was freaking $2 okay. Not for free! >.< This one I still keep to myself. Well, my bf knows it because I complained to him. :\
And now, I think I need to clean the fan as well? Oh well. I really got so shocked when I saw freaking thick dusts ON THE BED!!!!! >.< What if in the midnight I slept and those huge thick dust fell on me???!!! I had super allergic skin (which I don't really like too) and now this is really bothering me! I'm not even sure if I feel safe to sleep on that bed, and I can't off the fan neither because her room was FREAKING HOT! >.<
But....I can't reach the fan....T_____T
I'm not sure how am I supposed to clean the fan? :'( And this also means that, I don't get to sleep on the bed till I found a way to clean those fans...T___T
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