Sunday, June 24, 2012


Specifically, everyone would have something that they are fear of.

I'm actually fear of almost most of the things but there a few of things that I'm extremely afraid of.

I'm actually coulrophobic perhaps because of the horror movie that I watched when I was quite young. I was only 9 that time I guessed and the movie featured a man who dressed like clown killing people horribly, made me had nightmares for almost a week. It was so scary that I was still able to remember its name, Uncle Sam, till now. I think it's not easy for me to remember a horror movie so much as I usually watched and forgot. But "Uncle Sam " had it's way to instill a fear in me till now. That's why I don't usually like clowns and I'm afraid of them actually.

On the other hand, one of the reasons causing me developed OCD is because I'm mysophobic And osmophobic. I hate it when dirty AND smelly things are on my body. Perhaps this is also why I actually hated cake smashing during birthdays which is actually quite popular among youngsters. I was smashed with whipping cream once although I tried so hard to avoid. I hated it but I'm quite lucky that I was wearing a normal T on that day. As class ended quite late that day, causing the cream to developed into some freaking smelly odours, I decided to throw the T shirt despite the fact that I just wore only a few times and although I've washed it more than 3 times. Reasons are simple because I can't bear the smell that still lingers around that shirt although I've put in so much detergent to wash it and washed it for like 4-5 times. :/
I do hate people who smacked that cream on me but I had to forgive them because they did not know me much that I had osmophobia.

I'm also Phagophobic. Hahaha. Can't blame much but it's because I've watched too much movies like sharks that eat humans, crocodiles, snakes, etc. Oh yeah, I'm also extremely agliophobic, that's why most of the time I'm afraid of injection and etc. Still remember I fainted twice during an injection. Although I was quite an adult d...:/

Sighhh....: '(
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