Sunday, February 19, 2012


No matter how hard we try to forget about our past,
It would always come to haunt us in our dreams...
It makes no sense..
We thought we could completely forget bout the past when it seems that our lives are happy now, but...maybe I was wrong.
It still haunts me in my dreams...
Although I never even try to recall it...

The haunting made me felt so insecure, made me having constant fears and doubts although things seemed to be perfectly fine...I'm just doubting myself...
Why must the haunting continues?
It sucks because no matter how hard you don't want to recall bout the past, it haunts you through dreams and made you felt so insecure and caused you so much fears.

Really didn't know how dreams are made of....
Why can't I have better dreams when I sleep instead of getting repeated haunting from the dreams?
I need better sleep, please...

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