Thursday, August 30, 2012

Difference between NUS coursemate vs Form 6 schoolmates

Not sure if it's because I'm not living in a big CITY instead of the small TOWN of Taiping...But I really note a SUPER MEGA HUGE DIFFERENCE between my NUS coursemates and my Form 6 schoolmates.

In the case with my Form 6 schoolmates,

Despite the time of knowing one another is actually 1.5 years, it has always seemed that we knew one another very long time ago. We accept one another easily and it's easy for me to open up to them. They are kind and are good listeners, keeping your secrets unlike some people at here.

In the case with my NUS coursemates,

Despite the time that we've known and been in the same class for almost 2 years plus, they have always been a STRANGER to me. And I don't feel like opening myself up to them. I know people here are super brilliant and bright and rich and so on, and they like to look down on people. Of course, I'm not generalizing but I'm quite sure there are 1 or 2 which really makes a good friend! Cause I somehow can feel it, but I don't want to jump into conclusions too fast!

It always happened to me, the moment I thought that the person is good, after I think that I could open up to them, you can hear them bitching about you in the toilet. Yeah, they don't know I'm in the toilet cause it's a kinda rare for me to use the Science's toilet. I just happened to be in the same toilet where they're talking bout me.

I know I'm POOR, I know I'm INCOMPETENT and not as SMART as you, and that's why you think that I shouldn't come Spore to study cause I'm ZERO huh...Yeah, I'm a loser, look down on me people. One day, I'll grow stronger than you can ever imagine. So, just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth so that everyone can hear you!

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