Saturday, February 26, 2011

2.4kg in just 2 weeks!

Omg! I can't imagine it. I've never knew that losing weight can be so easy!!!!

And I've just had my body check-up just now. I lost 2.4kg (from 58.5 to 56.1kg) ....I was soooOOoo Happy!!! And she, also congratulated me and gave me a high five! I am so happy to be able to talk to her !!:) I remembered the first time I saw her, she gave me some kinda special feeling. I thought she was a boy at first! But I realised she wasn't. And she was really friendly. I remembered that day when I tried to gain enough courage to tell her that I added her in Facebook. Hehe.

And the happiest thing is, I lost my weight without any exercising! I lead a super sedentary lifestyle and yet still be able to lose my weight! And that is not something which I achieved through skipping meals or popping into slimming pills. All I did is to change my diet and drink a lot of water. In these ways, I've not only felt that my weight has decreased, but also my complexion was slightly better compared to last time.

And I really wish to be like her....:))


  1. congrats congrats...

    hope you continue to be strong in achieving your Goal..

    STAY ON THE COURSE even when there's obstacle. =)

    If it is God's Will, He will definitely help you.

  2. Congratulations!
    Losing weight is easy indeed. :)

  3. Hehe. Thanks Jun^_^

    I'm still in the course. Attending the business training...Pick up the skills which I can't learn in uni..Ahaha...And the trainings are free...:)
    Hope that i can achieve my ideal weight soon!HAHA!
    Hehee...Yeah...Trust in God:)

    Jefri@ Thanks a lot!:)
