Friday, January 13, 2012

Guessed what's Mahi Mahi?

I was curious when I was reading my books to decide on the topic I wanted to do for my presentation. When I came across this fish's name, called Mahi mahi, I googled and this is what I've found.

Don't you think that it looks like Flounder the fish from The Little Mermaid?? =)  It's cute right? But, lian that it'd be eaten ....:/

Eh...and now I know what's the name of the fish that mum always cooked and how my brothers and relatives like them so much, except me....

In Hokkien, it's called "chia hu"...And now I finally know what it's called in English. It's called "milkfish". LOL LOL LOL. I wondered does it produce milk? LOL. Okay. That's lame.Here's how it looks like =)

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