Tuesday, June 14, 2011


If you think I'm a flirty type of girl, yes, you may be right, but no, you may be wrong as well. It depends on my mood.

But, of course, I'm not the one who reveals my true self on the first meeting. Yesterday, met another 2 new colleagues. James and Reid. Initially I doesn't really like James. But...after some time of communication, I'm okay with him.

Maybe he doesn't like me as well initially, cause I'm a Msian. And the reason I don't like him is because he said that because of us Malaysian so many flooded in their country, they have lesser place in the university placement and etc...That's the ultimate reason that I hated him initially for that. But then, after a few hours, he treated me quite okay...Slowly, my anger towards him also faded a lil. But what I really wanted to tell him is, it's not that we want to snatch their places in the university...But we chose Spore is because we trust their way of education and the qualities as well as the safety to be in this country...I really wanted to ask if he really hated us. I know that there are some Sporeans that hated foreigners like us for snatching their jobs and etc. But, why must they put the blame on us? We are also trying for survivals. Everyone has the right to find a place to work and to choose where they wanted to work as long as they respect the people in that country.

Anyway, I didn't ask him also la...I guessed I'd ask him one day if I meet him again if he really hates me for being in his country...If you want to say that I'm naive, go on. I don't mind. I know some readers criticize me of my foolishness or something. Well, I don't mind! I am learning not to care what others say about me. And if  I am to criticize you back, that makes no difference between you and me.

Anyway, Betty nagged him for trying to flirt with me...I might knew it, but I acted nothing. Cause I never want to ask. Yes, James did treat me quite good after a few hours later. But I can see that he's also a flirty type of person. Like Alvin. So, for what I'm wasting my time on both of them? They might treat me good just to play around with me, but I'm aint that silly either to think that they like me. It doesn't make a big deal anyway...

Oh yeah, I'm quite happy that I'd be jie's bridesmaid when she's getting married next year...Excited...So, is that why I'm looking at wedding mag nowadays?? :P

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