Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Child Psychopath

Seriously, I began interested in "studying" and to get to know more about child psychopath after watching Orphan (although Orphan is not really a child psychopath but it's due to the lack of growth hormones which caused the 33-years old woman to be kind of trapped in a 9-years old child).

Then I began to question if things like child psychopath really existed. And I actually realized that there was. And it really makes me wonder, what makes them like that? There are kids as young as 12 years-old that are involved in cruelty murder and so on.

If only there is a module in Crime Psychology or Child Psychopath in NUS, I would definitely take it. It's really interesting to study what are actually in these kids' mind and what makes them do these. But sometimes, questions always remain as questions as there are no answers to it. :|

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